December 8, 2011

Christmas Traditions

As our kids are getting older we're working on starting some simple, lasting traditions.
I don't remember making Gingerbread houses as a kid, it's so much fun.  And next year we'll be prepared having put the houses together the day before and having lots of great candy for decorations.

In our advent calendar we are putting in activities on some days and treats on others.  Who doesn't get excited about the idea of hot chocolate with a candy cane?  I like the days that combine an activity with a treat. :)

What  simple and fun activity!  We turned sugar cones upside down, frosted them green and then let the kids add decorations.  So glad that Anna and Logan could join us for the fun.

Each day after the Christmas tree was up the kids got to open a gift.  Each present was a Christmas book.  It was fun for them to discover what book it would be (they finally caught on that all the presents were books) and it was definitely special time reading together as a family.  By mid December we had quite a collection of wonderful Christmas books piled up in the living room.

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