November 26, 2011

The Christmas Tree

Trever doesn't talk much about memories of getting a Christmas tree.  I have big memories.  In my early childhood we searched the forest (who knows if that is true but I'm going with it), I have pictures of my brother and I finding the tree.
Later I remember searching a Christmas tree lot.  And I even have one memory of not liking the tree we got, so my Dad went and found a NEW tree a couple days before Christmas.  He and I were so happy to replace the ugly tree we were glad to take all the ornaments and lights off and then switch them out.  Right now that makes me tired to even think about!  He definitely had the energy when he was determined.  That was our first year getting a Noble Fir... I've gotten one almost every year since then.

Nathan wanting to help cut the tree.
I don't know what we were thinking finding a tree far from the car.  Trever still has trouble walking and we have a baby.  This isn't the first time we have forgotten to use logic when picking a tree far from the car.
SO thankful for the family that helped us carry it to the car (a Firefighter no less!).  Our idea of putting one end into the wheel barrow was not going to work very well.

The kids staying occupied with hot cocoa while Trev and I get the tree on top of the truck.

When the cocoa ran out the boys found their fun with the saw dust.

Moments before Andrew decided to give it a taste test...

My little girl with the sweet tooth.  She LOVES her hot cocoa.

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