March 31, 2012

Easter fun at the firestation

I feel like our years are starting to have an anticipated rhythm.  From one tradition to the next. I love it. I want to find new traditions to tuck into the spaces that are left open.
Enjoying the McLane Fire Department Easter egg hunt is a fun tradition.  Rain or shine.  And actually, when it rains it's almost more fun.  Almost.

Andrew is still learning the art to an egg hunt.  It was nice that he didn't have much competition this year.

Thankful for the help of grandparents.  Last year we had both sets, maybe we'll get lucky again next year.
Natalie got to hunt with Papo, Nathan got Gagi and Andrew and I had fun together.

The big kids had buckets that were overflowing with eggs.  Andrew was just happy to have eggs in his hands.  Once he learned that there was candy in the eggs he started wanting lots more ;)

Loving family time, missing Daddy.

Not a happy little boy.

So many fun things to do at the fire station.  Andrew was much happier with the real (and smaller) bunny.

It's so fun watching Nathan as he turns into a "big kid".  He's really able to appreciate and participate in new, fun activities.  And he's super sweet to his sister, inviting her along and encouraging her.

March 28, 2012

Andrew lovin' the outdoors

This kid LOVES being outside!  I guess that is probably true of each of our kids.  But I love that we are still entertained by the novelty of a kid who just wants to be outside, all.the.time.  
Rain or shine, warm or cold.  He just loves to be out there.  

So happy!

March 24, 2012

MIFD banquet

It's a little bump, for a little baby.  Scary and exciting at the same time to be around people. Embracing our new knowledge about Abigail, still adjusting to the shock as well as learning how to share our story with others.

LOVE being with my husband.

Yay for work-events also being family-events! 

March 21, 2012

Family fun

There are days that we are simply blessed by moments when we focus on family.  Today was one of those days.

So happy to be back on the dirt bike with her Daddy.

Everyone encouraging Andrew as he learns to ride his 4 wheeler.

All the kids have loved their time on the tractor with Papo.

March 20, 2012

Our new reality

I don't even know what to write on this post.  I'm actually writing this months after the fact.  I'm finally getting this family blog updated and I don't want to leave Abby out of it.

I started a new blog that tells her story, our story over the past seven months.  Our Journey with Trisomy 18

She is such a beautiful little girl.

Wow, I just really don't have any more words left for today.

March 19, 2012

Meeting with the new doctor

We met with the perinatologist today.  Dr. McMahon.  She is wonderful.  Some of the concerns that were originally found in the first ultrasound were cleared, but new concerns were added.

We decided to do an Amnio.  We needed conclusive answers if there were any.

Now we wait.

March 18, 2012

Birthday fun

My baking assistant.

A style all her own.  Christmas dress, too-small rain coat, pink cowgirl boots and sunglasses.  Love this girl!

Her sweet friend Anna, who will be in her preschool class next year.

Grammy Carol helping Natalie bowl.  Nana in the background taking pictures.

The homemade part of gifts is our favorite.  Nathan with Beckett and Logan.  They loved bowling, but I think they might have liked the candy more. :)

March 16, 2012

Natalie's 4th Birthday

Natalie's cake was completely different from Natahan's (which is nice since they are only 5 days apart). She had rich dark chocolate cake, filled with whipped frosting, and then topped with Bavarian malted chocolate frosting.  Yummy.  She wanted it decorated with a haunted house, a bat, a spider, and a ghost.  And then some pink sprinkles.  I think birthday cakes are going to continue to be super fun in our house. 
I think Natalie is extra excited for her birthday since she watches us celebrate Nathan only a few days before her.  I can't believe there are 4 candles already!!
Natalie is our sweet, head strong, curious, imaginative little girl.  She wants to learn everything that Nathan is doing.  But she is definitely her own person.  Happy to have alone time in her room, playing and imagining fun scenarios for hours.  She has wonderful emotional energy, we love all of it... the giggles and the cries.  I hope she continues to be a confident little girl who loves to follow her dreams.

March 15, 2012


Oh, this post could be so long.  With so much information and emotional overload.

We found out there are concerns, a lot of concerns, about our baby.  We are waiting to see a perinatologist on Monday.  Our heads are spinning and we are feeling overwhelmed.  

It puts life in perspective.  As we sat in the dining room we heard and felt a loud crash.  
Me: What was that?
Trever: I think someone just ran into our house.
Me: Seriously? Oh.

Yep.  We had a tractor run into our house.  But the numbness from being emotionally overwhelmed made it easy to say "it's just a house".  Houses can be fixed.  Babies aren't always able to be fixed.

Daddy's Mini-Me

I love to have time away with my friends.  And I love to come home to be with my family! 

What a cute Daddy and his Mini-me.  Andrew, you are welcome... I didn't publish the picture after your towel fell off. ;)

March 13, 2012

Snow day :)

A little fun with Nathan's new basketball.

March 11, 2012

Love these kids!

Such a sweet girl.  
Andrew is so happy when he gets to play with one of the big kids.  These moments don't happen often, I loved just watching these two play together.  
He loves his big sister!!
Helping Mommy wash the car.  The bubbles kept Andrew entertained.  I'm not positive what possessed me to think it was a good idea.  I think it's because I'll be leaving for a couple days and I know Trever likes a clean car.  But it's still March... and it started hailing on us as we finished. 
Thank goodness for a warm water.  It makes the job much nicer in the cold weather.  Nathan was a super helper, putting LOTS of bubbles on the car so he could spray them off.  

I can't believe we're going to have 4 of these amazing kids running around soon.  
We go in for our ultrasound tomorrow!!!  

Nathan's 6th Birthday

Happy Birthday to my oh-so-wonderful Nathan!!  I can't believe 6 years have passed already!!!

Nathan is such a compassionate boy, he is empathetic and caring towards others.  He is protective and helpful towards his siblings.  He loves to learn.  Right now he having fun learning about animals in Alaska, trains, and lots of cool biology trivia thanks to some Children's science books that we discovered from my childhood. 

It has been so fun to watch Nathan "grow up".  He throws out words and phrases that make him sound old, he is loving to build and compete obstacle courses, and he is having lots of fun challenging himself with tricks on his bike.  We're soaking up every moment of this special childhood that will be gone before I know it.
The kids get to pick their cake.  Nathan wanted "lemon cake, with lemon filling, with lemon frosting.  And a rainbow."  Not what I would have guessed.  We all loved it.