October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

I can't really remember most of my nights spent trick or treating as a child... there are moments carved into my memory. Standing at the front door with my brother for our costume picture (although I think I remember this mostly from seeing the picture of my brother as a rubic cube when I was a ballerina). When we were older I remember my dad driving a group of us around during a rainy Halloween night (weren't they all?), we would sit in the back of the SUV, hatch left open, jumping out to run down the street and hit all the houses, then jump back in and head to the next street. Some of my friends remember counting out their candy and making trades. I don't have a lot of memories from that, just of the big piles of candy. I don't remember whether we had a limit to the amount of candy we could eat, or if my mom finally threw everything away.

It's so fun to begin this journey with our kids. To gather with friends for dinner, and then head out for the loot. To cherish the nights when it's not raining, but know that we will have a back up plan for the wet nights. I'm not so great at getting "the picture", but maybe I will be in the future. Trever and I haven't set a clear guideline for how/when candy will be consumed. Maybe we never will... is it better to binge and then throw it away or give a small allowance each day? I'm thinking I'm going to lean towards the binge and toss... but we'll see.

In the end I just hope our kids get to enjoy memories spent with their friends, and hopefully I will always be prepared with a costume ahead of time! I can totally see myself not being organized and having to come up with something at the last minute, oh I hope that never happens!!! If it does they are lucky to be blessed with a Daddy that is creative with costumes!

An added benefit to any holiday is giving back to the community. This year we found a house in downtown Olympia that carves more than 80 pumpkins with amazing designs. They have loud music, tons of bystanders, and a collection for charity. Next year we're going to start early by donating some pumpkins and candy and then heading back to see their handy work. I am so thankful that there are people in the community that find the opportunities to make a holiday mean a bit more. Trever drooled over this house, this picture stands as a foreshadowing for our future Haunted House!

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October 24, 2010

The adult Halloween party!

It was a smaller group this year... but still lots of fun (even for the pregnant lady!)
Every costume can go dirty ;)

October 23, 2010

The kids Halloween party

We started a new tradition of a kids Halloween party. SO MUCH FUN! I loved it this year, and can't wait to see it evolve as the kids get older... a walk through the woods with a haunted house???
Beth with her darling little monkey!

This is not an event for the faint of heart... 12 kids along with their parents:) I LOVE THE CRAZINESS!!! These are the memories I hope our kids will cherish as they grow together.

The gaggle of kids: The Turcottes (Ryder, Charlie and Ryann), The Duerrs (Sam, Logan and Anna), The Spencers (Zach and Noah), The Houks (Zach and Luke) and our kids (Nathan and Natalie)... next year we'll have two new babies! and hopefully the other girls can make it with their kiddos!

Playing pin the stem on the pumpkin. Trever did some great work, don't you love the masks?

Natalie getting ready to take a hit

Logan Prigg :)
Okay, we probably need to work on some baseball practice :)
Charlie girl broke it open... she might be little but she's strong
Two little Monkeys (Ryann Turcotte and Noah Spencer)
Storybook time, thanks Jen for the great idea!!
The Houks stayed and carved pumpkins with us.

October 18, 2010

A field trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Natalie got to join Nathan on his first field trip. We went to Hunter's Farm. They had so many fun activities for the kids. The hay maze was even fun for the Moms.
Getting ready for snack time.
Enjoying the end of the morning, no more crowds means lots of sliding down the slide!

I am so blessed to have kids who enjoy eachother. I'm sure it's not easy being the big brother, with a sister who wants to do everything you do, I'm so thankful that Nathan is (mostly) patient with her! I'm guessing I should take some time to thank my brother for putting up with me when we were younger. ;)

October 11, 2010

A visit with friends

We loved having a visit with The Lloyds and The Houks! It's always a treat to spend time with our friends. I love that Natalie is the only girl, with 6 boys! She might not be smiling about it in this picture, but someday one of those boys might be a great date!! (yes, I'm a bit hopeful ;) )

Picking out pumpkins

We took the advice from The Turcottes this year and went to the pumpkin farm where they go... such a great place! I feel like every day in the Northwest without rain is such a blessing, it's a double blessing when you get to go out as a family and do something fun!

Pretty sure Natalie had some influence over her outfit: pink shirt, pink pants, pink hoodie, pink boots????
Daddy's are SO much fun!

October 10, 2010

The most beautiful wedding...

Clearly I'm a bit partial to my own wedding... but this one was defintiely beautiful. The rain stopped, the venue was beautiful, the atmosphere in the tent was intimate (can that usually be said with 200 people?), and the vows were full of love!

Natalie getting ready with the girls. She is so awesome!!! She LOVES to get pretty, the nails, the hair, the shoes, the makeup!! (all you have to tell her to convince her is that "it's pretty")... and she LOVES to play with cars, trains, puddles, etc. She's had brief moments with babies, but they definitely don't keep her interest, and stuffed animals??? what are those for??? I'll have to remember to do a post about the 1 stuffed animal she likes... it's a WSU Cougar!! (and I had nothing to do with that! she didn't even find it at our house)
A Daddy's girl through and through... couldn't be happier for her and her Daddy!
Nathan getting his grove on with one of the bridesmaids ;)

Such a fun family day! Nathan was so proud to be dressed up for the occaision, I was so thankful for the automatic cleaning fee... really a 4 year old in a Tux? Yep, it had grass stains by the end of pictures :)

Cutting the cake... a moment our kids had waited for all day long!

As a last note, if anyone needs inspiration to plan a wedding quickly... take it from Mike and Amy... 6 weeks!

designer wedding dress... check

bridal party all decked out (matching dress, shoes, shall, jewlery, tuxes, class A uniforms) check

beautiful cake, flowers, music (string instruments for the ceremony, band for the reception) check

yummy catering (from Salty's whom I hear don't do much catering) check

invitations/programs ... check

awesome photographer? check

REALLY???? 6 weeks??? The best part.... they were still smiling and having a great time at the wedding. Amazing!!! The love was palpable, everyone could feel it. So wonderful!

October 7, 2010

Splitting wood

Nathan helping his Daddy work the splitter. What a great team!

I got a bit prideful in my stacking duties (the stack on the right is two layers deep)... maybe a bit much for a pregnant woman. I was so careful with my posture, only ended up straining a tendion in my wrist. Sometimes it just feels SO good to work hard outside!